About the Course

The course, or workbook, is divided into nine sections, which include an introduction to the chakras, and one module for each of the seven chakras. In each module I will share with you my lesson plans, idea sheets, and other teaching resources. However, most importantly you will do exercises and meditate upon questions to stimulate your creative juices and help you to develop your own unique approach to teaching the chakras.

I think one of the obstacles to creative yoga lesson planning is trying to create the 'perfect' lesson too early on in the creative process. Initially I'd like to encourage you to 'brainstorm' lots of ideas. By 'brainstorm' I simply mean just generate lots of ideas (and don't worry about how bizarre or off the wall they seem). I find the best way to generate ideas for great lesson plans is to do walking meditation and writing meditation. In the next lesson I'll share with you my approach to walking meditation and writing meditation, as they are the perfect way to free up your imagination and liberate ideas for sparkling lesson plans.

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