The Poetic Symbolism of the Chakras

What is a chakra? It's important to have considered this question before you try to teach your students about the chakras. For years I only had an academic understanding of the chakras. I'd learnt about them on my yoga teacher training course. I'd read books about them. I'd attended workshops. However, deep down I didn't really know exactly what they were. Over time I have developed an understanding of them as a poetic and symbolic device that aids meditation. By studying the chakras, meditating upon them, incorporating them into yoga practices, and teaching about them, they have come alive for me.

I'd advise you to study the chakras, read about them, bring them into your personal yoga practice, and meditate upon them. It's by doing all this that the truth that underlies the chakras will be revealed to you.

By working your way through this course, doing the exercises, trying out the yoga practices and meditations, you will be creating the right conditions for your understanding of the chakras to blossom.

Below is an excerpt from my Chakras for Creativity book, outlining my approach to working with the chakras, and the poetic symbolism of the chakras.

The Poetic Symbolism of the Chakras.pdf
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