The 5 Elements: Look Within and be Inspired!

The 5 elements are earth, water, fire, air, and ether. Before you dive into the course I'd like you to tune into your own inner wisdom and uncover what you already know about the five elements.

On this course I'll be sharing resources, yoga practices, meditations, and lots of inspiring content with you. However, most of all I'm keen to help you to dig deeper, and excavate the treasure of knowledge and inspiration that's already inside you. Let's begin that process!

Put aside 10-15 minutes. And in your notebook (or digital equivalent) meditatively write down everything you already know about the five elements.

During this exercise give yourself the freedom to let your thoughts wander where they will around the subject. Try not to censor yourself too much, just write down whatever comes into your head.

If writing isn't your thing, then you could focus on the questions during a ten-minute walking meditation, or in any other way that works for you.

You might want to consider the following points:

  • What attracted you to this subject?
  • How do you perceive the elements on a practical level in your everyday life? For example- soil in your garden, water in the river, fire in the hearth, the air that you breathe, the space around you.
  • How do you feel about the elements on a more spiritual, metaphorical, or symbolic level? For example the stability of earth, the ebb and flow of water, the passion of fiery feelings, thoughts being carried on the breeze.
  • Have you already begun to think about how you could integrate the theme of the five elements into your yoga practice? For example being aware of your connection to the earth in Tree Pose. Or feeling yourself expanding into space in Warrior Pose.

If you wish, you can share your thoughts, ideas, and inspiration in the discussion forum below.

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