The Tattvas: A Poetic Approach to the Elements

It’s interesting to note that in some Hindu systems the elements are referred to as the tattvas, and they are rather poetically described in this way:

Water (apas) is a silver crescent moon.

Air (vayu) is a blue circle.

Fire (tejas) is a red triangle.

Earth (prithivi) is a yellow diamond.

Spirit (akasa) the fifth element, is a black or indigo egg and is referred to as the void.

In this system the colors of the elements are black, white, red, yellow, and blue, which are the primary colors, and all other colors can be made from combining these colors. Likewise, the Hindus believed that from these elemental building blocks everything in the world could be created.[1]

[1] Walker, The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects, 106.

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