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7 Day Yoga and Meditation Challenges for 2025 (1)
Jilly Shipway
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Spring Equinox & Yoga Teachers' Resources Digital Download
1 File
Take the stress out of designing your Spring Equinox yoga sessions. Jilly Shipway author of the bestselling Yoga Through the Year book, shares her teaching notes, handouts, and inspirational quotes for Spring Equinox inspired yoga sessions. Get inspired!
Jilly Shipway
Imbolc Yoga Resources for Teachers
1 File
Imbolc is the Celtic Festival of Awakening that celebrates the transition from winter to spring. Jilly Shipway, bestselling author and yoga teacher, shares her teaching notes and resources that will inspire you to create your own Imbolc-inspired yoga sessions.
Jilly Shipway
Beltane Yoga Resources for Teachers
1 File
Yoga course planning just got easier. Find inspiration for your Spring to Summer yoga classes and courses. Jilly shares her Beltane-inspired teaching notes, yoga sequences, meditations, visualisations, and inspirational quotes.
Jilly Shipway
Sun Yoga Day Teaching Notes
1 File
Yoga Through the Year author, Jilly Shipway, share her Sun Yoga inspired teaching notes, yoga sequences, meditations, visualisations, and inspirational quotes with you. Summer lesson planning just got easier!
Jilly Shipway
Autumn Equinox Yoga Teaching Notes & Inspiration
2 Files
Find inspiration for your autumn teaching or home yoga practice. Author and experienced yoga teacher, Jilly Shipway, shares her teaching notes for an Autumn Equinox Yoga day with you. You'll find yoga sequences, breathing practices, and inspirational readings. Plus a bonus file with Autumn Equinox Seasonal Meditation Questions.
Jilly Shipway
Samhain Yoga Teacher Resources
1 File
Resources to help you to create your own Samhain-inspired yoga sessions. Access my teaching notes and other resources to inspire your teaching or home yoga practice.
Jilly Shipway
Winter Solstice Yoga Day Teaching Notes
2 Files
Resources to inspire your Winter Solstice yoga teaching and home yoga practice.
Jilly Shipway
Lammas Resources for Yoga Teachers
1 File
Lammas-inspired yoga practices, ideas for class themes, meditations, inspiring quotes, and meditation questions, to help yoga teachers prepare inspiring lesson plans for this time of first harvest.
Jilly Shipway
The Yoga Writer's Handbook
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If you love yoga and want to write about it, this course is for you. If you love writing and want to approach your writing in a yogic way, this course is for you. This course will show you how to write in a mindful way that enhances your wellbeing, and how to write in a way that engages your reader. This course is for you, regardless of whether you want to write a yoga book or simply wish to deepen your understanding of both yoga and writing.
Jilly Shipway
Seasonal Yoga an Introduction
Available until
Connect with the cycle of the seasons to find balance in your life
Jilly Shipway
The Spring Equinox & Yoga Online Workbook
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Find Balance and Fulfil Your Potential
Jilly Shipway
The Summer Solstice & Yoga Online Workbook
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As the Sun reaches its fullness, connect with your own Inner Sun
Jilly Shipway
The Autumn Equinox & Yoga Online Workbook
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Integrate Autumn Equinox wisdom into your yoga practice and your life
Jilly Shipway
Winter Solstice & Yoga Online Workbook
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Integrate Winter Solstice wisdom into your yoga practice and your life
Jilly Shipway
Chakras Workbook for Yoga Teachers
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Chakras lesson planning made easy
Jilly Shipway
Walking Meditation and the 7 Chakras
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Deepen your understanding of walking meditation, and enjoy 7 chakra-inspired walking meditations.
Jilly Shipway
Summer Solstice Yoga 21 Day Challenge 2025
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Celebrate the Summer Solstice and reconnect with your own Inner Sun with twenty-one days of bite-sized yoga.
Jilly Shipway
Yoga and the Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether
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Discover how the 5 elements, earth, water, fire, air, and ether, can deepen and enrich your yoga practice and your life.
Jilly Shipway
Lammas Yoga and Meditation 7-Day Challenge 2025
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Celebrate your harvest, cultivate gratitude, strengthen your potential for happiness and contentment.
Jilly Shipway
Imbolc Yoga 7 Day Challenge 2026
Available until
Shake off the winter slump and wake up to spring! Reinvigorate your yoga practice with yoga practices and visualisations that can be fitted into even the busiest of days. Set your intentions for the year ahead, and make the most of the growing season energy to realise your dreams.
Jilly Shipway