Returning Unity to Yoga with the Seasons

If over the millennia yoga had been handed down from mother to daughter through a female lineage, what would an authentic women’s yoga be like?

This was the unanswered question that beckoned me onto the path of Seasonal Yoga. Patanjali is considered the father of yoga, and over the millennia yoga has been handed down from father to son, through a male lineage. If Patanjali had had a sister, what is the yoga she would have handed down to us? And if her wisdom had been included in the yoga canon, how would we be different, both on and off our yoga mats? During a period of meditation, I asked (an imaginary) Patanjali’s sister for guidance on creating an authentic united yoga. This is the answer that came back to me: “Listen to the earth— that’s all. Listen to the earth.”

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras are divided into four padas, and this gave me the idea to divide my inquiry into one pada for each season of the year: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. That is how the seed of Seasonal Yoga was born.

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