Create a Powerful Connection between Yoga and the Wheel of the Year

We find balance in our lives by connecting with nature and the cycle of the seasons. Jilly Shipway, author of the bestselling Yoga Through the Year book, shares with you resources to inspire your teaching of yoga sessions inspired by the Celtic cross-quarter festivals, Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, and Lammas. These festivals mark the start of each new season. For example, Imbolc marks the transition from winter to spring. In this digital download you will find yoga practices, meditations, inspiring quotes, and meditation questions, specially designed for each change of season. It will be a source of year-round inspiration for teachers, empowering them to create original seasonal yoga sessions. 

Let Your Teaching Be Inspired!

Planning seasonal yoga days and sessions can be daunting, but help is at hand with this digital download. If you find yourself short of ideas, then dip into this treasure trove of resources to find fresh inspiration. The resource will empower you to create your own unique seasonal yoga sessions for the following Celtic cross-quarter festivals:

  • Samhain, autumn to winter, festival of the year’s end and new beginnings
  • Imbolc, winter to spring, festival of awakening
  • Beltane, spring to summer, festival of fertility and union
  • Lammas, summer to autumn, festival of gratitude and first seeds

Jilly generously gives you access to her vast seasonal yoga archives, so that your teaching can be inspired and inspiring.

Buy Wheel of the Year Resources for Yoga Teachers

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Please note that this download can also be bought as part of a bundle, Seasonal Yoga & Wheel of the Year Year-Round Resources for Yoga Teachers. The bundle contains 8 files, one for each solstice, equinox, and the 4 Celtic festivals around the Wheel of the Year.