Fresh Inspiration for Yoga Teachers!

All teachers experience inspiration drying up sometimes. The antidote to this is to nourish yourself with fresh inspiration. Jilly Shipway, author of the bestselling Yoga Through the Year book, shares with you her teaching notes for 4 Seasonal Yoga Days, celebrating the solstices and the equinoxes.

This resource consists of four PDF files. Each file contains teaching notes for the following yoga days:

  • Sun Yoga Day to celebrate the Summer Solstice
  • Autumn Equinox Yoga Day
  • Winter Solstice Yoga day
  • Spring Equinox Yoga Day

This digital download allows you to draw from the well of Jilly’s vast experience and quench your thirst for new, original, and inspiring ideas. Throughout the year you can dip into this treasure trove and refresh your teaching. The files include teaching plans, aide memoires for yoga practices, inspirational quotes, meditations, relaxations and much more. 

Buy Teachers' Year-Round Seasonal Resources

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Please note that this download can also be bought as part of a bundle, Seasonal Yoga & Wheel of the Year Year-Round Resources for Yoga Teachers. The bundle contains 8 files, one for each solstice, equinox, and the 4 Celtic festivals around the Wheel of the Year.