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The Yoga Writer's Handbook
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Module One- Getting Started
To Begin is the Victory!
Finding Your Feet
What Do You Love to Read?
Finding Time to Write
Quietening Down the Inner Editor & Self-Doubt
Exercise: Describe a Grounding Yoga Pose
Nourishing the Writer Within
Walking as a Creative Superpower!
Write Your Way to Happiness & Healing
Exercise: I Discover Yoga
Module Two - Getting Your Writing Flowing
Writing for Yourself & Writing for the Reader...
A Writer's Notebook
Exercise: Sensual Writing
Befriending the Muse
Seeing the World Anew
Exercise: Yoga to Get your Writing Flowing
The Courageous Path to Healing
Using Concrete Images to Convey Abstract Concepts
Write to Reveal the Light Within
Exercise: A Day in the Life of Your Yoga Mat
Module Three- Empower Your Writing
Point of View: Opening to New Possibilities
What Motivates You to Write?
Choosing Your Point of View
Writing in the First-Person: Getting Personal
First-Person Plural: We're All in this Together!
Second-Person: Here's Looking at You Kid!
Second-Person- Sounding Sinister!
The Third-Person Narrator: Seeing the Bigger Picture
A Tale of Two Yogis
Rewrite Yogi on a Motorcycle...
Exercise: Describe a Yoga with Cats Session
Module Four - Tuning into Your Inner Wisdom & Navigating stormy waters
Tuning into Inner Wisdom & Navigating Stormy Waters
The Art of Creative Listening
Locating the Beating Heart of Your Creativity
A Balanced View of Healing
Finding Time For You
Working With Difficult Emotions
Compassionate Walking Meditation
Exercise: Describe a Yoga Pose
Yoga Writing Style Guidelines
Read Your Work Aloud
Assignment Four: Write About Overcoming a Challenge
Module Five - Harnessing the Power of Your Imagination
Harnessing the Power of Your Imagination
Writing is a Messy Process
Give Your Writing space to Breathe
Keep Your Reader in Mind
The Magic of Words
Blogging Guidelines
Read: Write for OM YOGA Guidelines
Exercise: Write a Yoga Magazine Article
Rules & Rule Breaking
Go on an Artist's Outing
Keep a Dream Diary
Exercise: Write About a Yoga Class
Module Six - Blossom into Your Full Creative Potential
Every Ending is a New Beginning...
Blossom into Your Full Creative Potential
Beginnings: How to Grab Your Reader's Attention
Endings: How to Conclude Your Work
Bowing to Chance
Create a Collage
Exercise: Cut and Paste
Make Your Pitch in a Lift...
The Journey of a Book From First Ideas to Publication
Feedback is a Gift
Becoming Your Own Editor
Exercise: Write a Longer Piece of Work
Thank You & Next Steps
Your Feedback
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Exercise: A Day in the Life of Your Yoga Mat
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